Development of Dokan Cultural Tourism Village, Karo District as a Creative Economically Driven
Dokan Village, Creative Economy, Tourism DevelopmentAbstract
The Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy has a mission to develop world-class tourism destinations by focusing on the creative economy sector. One of the villages in Karo Regency, that has the potential to be developed into a tourist village is the Dokan Culture village which has a Karo traditional house more than 100 years old and can be used as a place of research by culturalists and students. The objective of this study was to develop the Dokan cultural tourism village. This study was descriptive qualitative research with closed interviews and survey distribution to 290-tourist method as collecting data method. Qualitative SWOT analysis was also conducted in this study. The results showed, there are also 6 traditional houses and various traditional community living equipment. The geological condition of the village, which is located in Merk District, is considered good and also has a "mild" category of disaster-prone so it is appropriate that this tourism village is feasible to be developed. Based on the Grand Strategic method used, it can be seen that this village has potential because it has strengths, namely community support, the potential for a creative economy, and the opportunity to develop community businesses.
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