The Effect of Ownership Structure on Financial Performance in Lippo Group Company


  • Ristati Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Malikussaleh, Indonesia
  • Raihan Cahaya Faculty of Economics and Business, Malikussaleh University, Indonesia
  • Nurlela Faculty of Economics and Business, Malikussaleh University, Indonesia
  • Ghazali Syamni Faculty of Economics and Business, Malikussaleh University, Indonesia
  • Zulham Ibrahim Faculty of Social Science and Political Science, Malikussaleh University, Indonesia



Financial Performance, Lippo Group, Ownership Structure


This study examined the effect of Ownership Structure on Financial Performance at Lippo Group companies in Indonesia from 2015 to 2019. The number of samples in this study was 14 companies and 60 observations. The data were accessed on The data used in this study was panel data or a combination of cross-section data and time-series data. The data analysis method in this research was the Panel Data Regression analysis method with panel estimation model Random Effect Model. The results showed that Managerial ownership and institutional ownership had a negative and significant effect on financial performance.


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How to Cite

Ristati, Cahaya, R. ., Nurlela, Syamni, G. ., & Ibrahim, Z. . (2021). The Effect of Ownership Structure on Financial Performance in Lippo Group Company. Indonesian Journal of Innovation and Applied Sciences (IJIAS), 1(3), 245-249.