A Narrative of the Hardships and Triumphs of Koronadal City Public Market Vendors


  • Crisrene Roi Z. Derla Ramon Magsaysay Memorial Colleges Marbel Inc., Philippines
  • Albert P. Balongoy Ramon Magsaysay Memorial Colleges Marbel Inc., Philippines


Hardships, Public Market Vendors, Social Work, Triumphs


This study aimed to understand the hardships and triumphs of Koronadal city public market vendors. The researcher used phenomenological research design as a method of research. The pieces of evidence were gathered and conducted last January 2023, from the five (5) experienced market vendors inside the Koronadal city public market at Koronadal city, South Cotabato. The results of the study revealed that the hardships and triumphs of the market vendors depends on the environment that they are working in. the policies implemented towards them, their available resources, the people that they get to interact with as well as their self-determination and inspiration. The research highlights that most of the reasons why market vendors engage in market vending is to sustain their personal and family’s needs. their struggles are mostly caused by their environment and the situation that they are in and their triumphs are mostly because of their determination and commitment as well as their inspiration with their family. This study offers the knowledge that can be used as a basis in formulating appropriate policies and programs to enhance the welfare and to strengthen the socio-economic conditions of these market vendors. Social workers can also use this as a basis for future clients and use the data gathered as a guide to clients that are experiencing the same problem. Hence, this can also be a great venue for social workers to advocate for these underrepresented sectors of our society and create a good working environment and appropriate programs and services for them.


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How to Cite

Derla, C. R. Z., & Balongoy, A. P. . (2023). A Narrative of the Hardships and Triumphs of Koronadal City Public Market Vendors. Indonesian Annual Conference Series, (Proceedings of IACS-HOICEB), 175-192. Retrieved from https://ojs.literacyinstitute.org/index.php/iacseries/article/view/1073