Cashless Economy and Electronic Money: Concepts, Nexus, Opportunities, and Challenges
Cashless Economy, Challenges, E-Money, Nexus, OpportunitiesAbstract
The principles of a cashless economy and electronic money have become revolutionary forces in finance and commerce in today's digitally-driven world. These two interrelated notions highlight diverse yet interconnected aspects of the current financial revolution. The purpose of this qualitative study is to provide a fresh grasp on the fundamental tenets of the cashless economy and electronic money, as well as a succinct overview of the two's potential traits and drawbacks. The study endeavors to illustrate how the two are interrelated as well. To the best of my knowledge, no study has ever examined the two concepts together, as both as the opportunities and challenges of e-money and the cashless economy in contemporary society are an area of study that has not been adequately considered as they ought to be. The study uses an exploratory research design and rests its conclusions on a variety of secondary sources of information, including articles, research papers, and journals.
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