Analysis of Performance and Financial Capability of Raja Ampat District in Supporting the New Autonomous Region of Southwest West Papua Province


  • Murni Muhammadiyah Sorong University, Indonesia


Financial Capacity, Financial Performance, Regional Autonomy


An important factor to consider is the ability of local governments to develop their territory. Lack of financial capacity can be caused by the inability of local governments to identify and utilize sources of income that can be generated, which in turn will hinder the successful implementation of regional autonomy. The lower the regional government's financial dependence on the center, the more regional original revenue must be donated to the APBD. This type of research is qualitative. The research approach used is a quantitative-descriptive approach. To measure the financial capacity of the regional government of Raja Ampat Regency, the Financial Capability Index is used. The regional government of Raja Ampat Regency is still considered financially ineffective and inefficient. It can be seen from the results of the calculations and indicators that have been used that the ratio of independence and the ratio of degrees of decentralization are still in the less category, and the activity ratio was in the ineffective category from 2019 to 2022. For the expenditure activity ratio, local governments are still allocating more funds for spending apparatus than for spending capital.


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How to Cite

Murni. (2023). Analysis of Performance and Financial Capability of Raja Ampat District in Supporting the New Autonomous Region of Southwest West Papua Province. Indonesian Annual Conference Series, (Proceedings of IACS-HOICEB), 10-18. Retrieved from