The Effect of Government Expenditure on the Quality of Human Development in Districts/Cities in Southeast Sulawesi Province
Government Expenditure, Human Development, QualityAbstract
This study aims to examine the effect of local government spending consisting of spending on the education, health, and economic sectors on the quality of human development in the regencies/cities of Southeast Sulawesi Province. The data used were panel data for the 2017-2021 period. Data were obtained from Statistics Indonesia for the Southeast Sulawesi Province and the Indonesian Ministry of Finance. The data were analyzed using panel data regression. The results of the study show that the variables of education and health spending have a positively significant effect on the quality of human development in the cities of Southeast Sulawesi Province. The economic expenditure variable had no significant effect on the quality of human development in the districts/cities of Southeast Sulawesi Province. The results also show that the elasticity of education and health spending on the formation of the quality of human development in Southeast Sulawesi Province is very low, indicating that local government spending has not optimally boosted the quality of human development.
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