Sasi Laut as a Form of Ecological and Economic Intelligence of Indigenous Community in Kei Islands
Ecological Intelligence, Indigenous Community, Sasi LautAbstract
Hawear Met/Tahit or Sasi laut is one of the traditions in Kei Islands, Southeast Maluku Regency, which is a manifestation of the community’s ecological intelligence in preserving the marine ecosystem. Ecological intelligence is a cultural concept that processes require relationships between humans as well as between humans and nature that refer to clear moral and ethical references. Ecological intelligence is closely related to sustainable development as it reflects the sustainability of ecosystems and the socio-economic development of communities. This research aims to investigate how the Sasi Laut tradition as a manifestation of the ecological intelligence of the communities supports sustainable development in Kei Kecil Islands, Southeast Maluku Regency. The research used a qualitative method implemented in Ngilngof and Selayar Village, Kei Kecil Islands. The data collection method was an interview. The result showed that sasi laut is a manifestation of ecological intelligence that functions as an ethical and moral framework that has been rooted for generations in building relationships between humans and between humans and nature. This is the philosophical foundation of the community‘s life and an important element in supporting the development of economic, tourism, social, and environmental aspects of Kei Kecil Islands, Indonesia.
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