Optimizing Workflow Efficiency Through Integration of Digital Office Technologies


  • Glory Chimnechetam Innocent Department of Office Technology and Management, School of Management Sciences, Federal Polytechnic Ekowe Bayelsa State, Nigeria


Digital Office Technologies, Integration and Automation, Workflow Efficiency


This research investigates the integration of digital office technologies to optimize workflow efficiency in organizational settings. Drawing upon theoretical frameworks and empirical evidence, the study identifies key challenges, including financial constraints, data security concerns, and employee resistance to change, hindering successful integration. Through a quantitative survey of 130 participants and regression analysis tested at 0.05 alpha levels, the study reveals a significant relationship between these challenges and the effectiveness of mitigation strategies. Strategies such as conducting workflow analysis, clear communication and training, and strategic alignment are proposed to overcome adoption barriers. The findings underscore the importance of proactive planning and targeted interventions in navigating the complexities of technology integration. Furthermore, the study recommends future research to explore industry-specific dynamics, cross-cultural differences in technology acceptance, and longitudinal studies tracking technology implementation outcomes. By addressing these recommendations, organizations can leverage digital office technologies to enhance workflow efficiency, drive organizational performance, and achieve sustainable competitive advantage in today's digital landscape.


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How to Cite

Innocent, G. C. (2024). Optimizing Workflow Efficiency Through Integration of Digital Office Technologies. Indonesian Annual Conference Series, (Proceedings of IACS-IHCRGESND, Nigeria), 102-111. Retrieved from https://ojs.literacyinstitute.org/index.php/iacseries/article/view/1521