Sustainable Agriculture Development and Food Security: A Systematic Review


  • Muhammad Ihsan Mattalitti Universitas Muhammadiyah Kendari, Indonesia
  • Jamaluddin Hos Department of Sociology, Universitas Halu Oleo, Indonesia
  • Sulsalman Moita Department of Sociology, Universitas Halu Oleo, Indonesia
  • Ambo Upe Department of Sociology, Universitas Halu Oleo, Indonesia
  • Charles N. Kariuki Department of Geography and Environmental Studies, Catholic University of Eastern Africa, Kenya


Food Security, Southeast Sulawesi, Sustainable Agriculture, Systematic Review


Sustainable agriculture is essential for food security, particularly in regions with significant agricultural potential such as Southeast Sulawesi. This review synthesizes existing research on sustainable agricultural practices in Southeast Sulawesi, focusing on their impact on food security. The review identifies key themes, including the integration of local agricultural practices with modern sustainable methods, the role of local institutions in supporting sustainable agriculture, and the economic and social factors influencing these practices. Financial constraints and labor shortages are highlighted as major barriers to scaling up sustainable agricultural practices. By examining the methodologies employed in the studies and the socio-economic and institutional factors, this review provides a comprehensive understanding of how sustainable agriculture can contribute to a stable food supply in Southeast Sulawesi, offering valuable insights for policymakers and practitioners aiming to implement sustainable agricultural strategies.


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How to Cite

Mattalitti, M. I., Hos, J. ., Moita, S. ., Upe, A., & Kariuki, C. N. . (2024). Sustainable Agriculture Development and Food Security: A Systematic Review. Indonesian Annual Conference Series, (Proceedings of IACS-IHCRGESND, Nigeria), 158-170. Retrieved from