Challenges to Governance Performance of the Barangay Local Officials in Southern Philippines


  • Leo P. Lardera Sultan Kudarat State University, Lebak Campus, Philippines
  • Saidamin Bagolong University of Mindanao


Descriptive Phenomenology, Governance Performance, Narrative Analysis, Public Administration


Despite the unexpected spread of the COVID-19 pandemic, the government ensures that the optimum delivery of essential services that the community residents deserve will not be stopped. The study utilized a descriptive phenomenology designed for 30 Punong Barangay and Barangay Councilors, using purposeful sampling, in the five provinces, ten municipalities, and barangays considered non-Poblacion barangays second-class level municipalities in Southern Philippines. Experts utilized and validated a self-made questionnaire, and trustworthiness is achieved by credibility, authenticity, transferability, dependability, and confirmability. Narrative analysis was employed, such as recording the interview transcripts and coding field notes. Findings revealed that challenges encountered by the local barangay officials in attaining governance performance were the lack or meager allocation of Internal Revenue Allotment, violations of laws and ordinances, the attitude of the constituents, the incapacity of the Barangay Peacekeeping Action Team (BPAT), the discontented constituents, issues on project implementation, and too much politics. Therefore, the Barangay local officials play a crucial role in sustaining essential services to achieve high governance performance.


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How to Cite

Lardera, L. P. ., & Bagolong, S. . (2024). Challenges to Governance Performance of the Barangay Local Officials in Southern Philippines. Indonesian Annual Conference Series, (Proceedings of IACS-IHCRGESND, Nigeria), 262-267. Retrieved from