Sustainable Development Strategy for Disaster Tourism: Lesson from North Sumatra, Indonesia
Development Strategy, Disaster Tourism, Integrative Method, SustainableAbstract
The development of disaster tourism is a good idea but is risky, because it must prioritize the safety of visitors who come and the comfort of disaster-affected communities who must be part of the implementation of disaster tourism itself. Therefore, this study aims to contribute to the development of disaster tourism by considering the two aspects above plus the sustainability aspect. This research method is qualitative with interactive model, where data collection is done by interview and FGD with informants who represent hexahelix stakeholders in tourism management in Karo Regency. The unit of analysis is carried out using PEST Analysis, Porter's Diamond Model, SWOT Analysis and Strategic Architecture. The results obtained mapped alternative strategies based on the formulation of preparation, acceleration and expansion. In addition, the involvement of hexahelix stakeholders in disaster tourism management is considered part of a strategy that must be carried out continuously.
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