The Use of Information Technology in Empowering of Tourism Resources and MSMEs in Tanggetada Sub-district, Kolaka Regency, Southeast Sulawesi
Community Empowerment, Information Technology, MSMEs, Tourism ResourcesAbstract
The community-based tourism concept which encompasses community participation in the tourism planning process is advocated as a way of implementing sustainable tourism. Tanggetada sub-district has Tourism and MSME potential the value is quite interesting and unique compared to the others. The lack of use of information technology in managing tourist attractions and MSMEs has resulted in the dissemination of confusing information from visitors. Therefore it is necessary to develop the use of GIS-Based technology as a promote tourist attractions and MSMEs in the Tanggetada Sub-district. This community service takes the form of socialization and training in the use of GIS-Based Tourist attraction websites and MSMEs because the number of visitors will increase.
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