Preliminary Study on Water Quality and Heteropterans Diversity in a Semi-Urban Stream (Central Region of Cameroon)


  • Jean Dzavi Hydrological Research Centre, Institute of Geological and Mining Research, Yaounde, Cameroon
  • Samuel Foto Menbohan Laboratory of Hydrobiology and Environment, University of Yaounde, Cameroon
  • Blaise Rollinat Mboye Laboratory of Hydrobiology and Ichthyology, Institute of Agronomic and Forestry Research, Gabon
  • Leonelle Tsowa Pianta Laboratory of Hydrobiology and Environment, University of Yaounde, Cameroon
  • Audrey Glwadys Nzépang Tchizé Laboratory of Hydrobiology and Environment, University of Yaounde, Cameroon
  • Amandine Laure Toumbou Nouazi Laboratory of Hydrobiology and Environment, University of Yaounde, Cameroon
  • Eric Belmond Biram à Ngon Laboratory of Hydrobiology and Environment, University of Yaounde, Cameroon
  • Gloria Eneke Takem Hydrological Research Centre, Institute of Geological and Mining Research, Yaounde, Cameroon



Physico-Chemical Parameters, Semi-Urban Stream, Water Bugs , Water Quality


A study was conducted in the Konglo stream for six months to make an inventory of aquatic heteroptera, following a monthly sampling frequency. Some hydrological and physicochemical parameters such as water width, current velocity, and water flow, water temperature and pH, electrical conductivity, dissolved oxygen, total hardness, phosphates, nitrates, and ammonia were measured according to standard methods. For an inventory of the heteropterans, the multihabitat approach was used during sampling, but only heteropterans representing 3.15 % of total abundance are considered in this study. The hydrological variables were different in each station. The water width and flow were increased from upstream to downstream. The results showed that pH, total hardness, nitrites, phosphates, and ammonia values ​​were weak and no significant differences were observed. Among physicochemical variables, only dissolved oxygen and electrical conductivity were different between upstream and downstream. The conductivity increased from upstream to downstream while the dissolved oxygen was very low downstream. 62 individuals were collected and counted belonging to 11 taxa, the most abundant being Ranatra linearis. The other taxa such as Anisops sp., Aphelocheirus aestivalis, Gerris sp., Gerridae Nd., Hydrometra sp., Ilyocoris cimicoides, Naucoris sp., Nepa sp., Notonectidae Nd., and Velia sp. were poorly represented. High abundance was recorded at the upstream (38 individuals), but the taxonomic richness (3 taxa) and diversity (0.24 bits/ind) remain low, unlike the stations located downstream (7 taxa and 1.82 bits/ind).


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How to Cite

Dzavi, J., Foto Menbohan, S., Mboye, B. R., Tsowa Pianta, L., Nzépang Tchizé, A. G., Toumbou Nouazi, A. L., Biram à Ngon, E. B., & Eneke Takem, G. (2021). Preliminary Study on Water Quality and Heteropterans Diversity in a Semi-Urban Stream (Central Region of Cameroon). Indonesian Journal of Social and Environmental Issues (IJSEI), 2(2), 86-97.


